国企 150-500人 医疗设备/器械
国企 150-500人 医疗设备/器械
上海泰美医疗器械有限公司2009年成立,是由山东新华医疗投资控股的医疗器械市场准入及物流配送服务商,有超过200位雇员,在全国各主要城市设立了仓库。泰美医疗在成立之初就为国际一流企业产品进入中国提供市场及物流服务的整体解决方案。目前已与美国强生、飞利浦、巴德、波士顿科学、DJO、瑞士EMS以及日本奥林巴斯-泰尔茂公司建立业务合作关系。公司物流部主要在高端医疗器械配送模式上进行开创性的探索并率先实施了物流平台模式,大大提高了流通渠道的整体效率。泰美医疗过去三年的销售年增长率都超过80%,2013年销售额超过10亿。依托与国际一流企业的合作,泰美在管理和规模上将更上一层楼。 Shanghai TaiMei Medical Instrument Co. Ltd was established in 2009, withs headquarter is located in Shanghai. TaiMei is invested by SHINVA Medical Instrument Co.Ltd ,and focuses on the medical device market entering and logistics. There are more than 200 employees and 23 warehouses in major cities all over mainland China. We provide total solutions for top ranking international enterprises since the early days of our establishment. TaiMei is strategic partner with Johnson&Johnson、Philips、Bard、Boston Scientific、DJO、EMS and Olympus-terumo. TaiMei has achieved 80% annual sales rate of growth in last three years and exceeded 1 billion sales in 2013. Relying on the cooperation with the international top ranking enterprises, we will get much more success in the future. 我们欢迎各社会人才及相关专业应届毕业生前来应聘!